How To Make Email Marketing Work for Your Small Business In this post, I will share some ideas that are likely to help you improve the Targeted email marketing services . When the United States Postal Service created a nationwide postal network in the 1840s, mail became an important tool for marketing. Connecting with people through their mailboxes allowed businesses to offer customized marketing messages to specific segments of the customer base. It is likely that much of the mail you now receive contains some kind of marketing message. Catalogs, brochures, coupons and political appeals all pour through the postal service on a daily basis. (See also Direct Mail Marketing). Email marketing service is, quite favorably, using the tools of email to forward advertising messages. The omnipotent majority of Internet users have email accounts which submit them to reach and roughly function number of messages instantly. According to a survey conducted by Pew Internet, 82% of U.S....
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